Cincinnati Compatriots Attend Memorial Service at Point Pleasant, West Virginia

Cincinnati SAR Compatriots Jack Bredenfoerder, Lee Wilkerson and Mike Gunn laid wreaths for the Cincinnati Chapter SAR, Ohio Society SAR and the Germany Society SAR at the Point Pleasant Battle Days Memorial Ceremony on Sunday, October 7th. The Battle of Point Pleasant, also known as the Battle of Kanawha, was the only major action of Dunmore’s War. It was fought on October 10, 1774, between Virginia militia and Indians from the Shawnee and Mingo tribes. Indians under the Shawnee Chief Cornstalk attacked Virginia militia under Colonel Andrew Lewis near modern day Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Cornstalk retreated after a long and bloody battle and the Virginians, along with a second force led by Lord Dunmore, the Royal Governor of Virginia, marched into the Ohio Valley and forced Cornstalk into a treaty.

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