Colerain Elementary gets Cincinnati SAR Revolutionary War Class

On February 16th members of the Cincinnati Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (CCSAR) spent the day at Colerain Elementary School. We talked about the Revolutionary War and what caused it to happen, where some important battles occurred and some of the strategy used; demonstrated the type of dress used at that time, what kind of weapons were used by both sides and why the colonists prevailed against the British who had the most formidable army in the world at that time 250 years ago.

The students were shown how the militia dressed differently than the Continental army and were taught to march and follow orders like the full time soldiers. They were shown the difference in weapons used in the war and how foot soldiers (infantry) were different than the Dragoon (Horse soldiers).

The CCSAR Compatriots and their family members who participated were: Bob Bowers, Jack Bredenfoerder, Chaplain Ed Boniwell, Josh Hartman, Gregg Ballman, Jeff Hartman and Emma Hartman all in Revolutionary War attire.

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